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is_dormant(): bool

Returns true if entity is in dormant

local is_dormant = entity:is_dormant()

is_alive(): bool

Returns true if entity is alive

local is_alive = entity:is_alive()

get_bbox(): rect_t

Returns the bounding box, or nil if the world position is not visible on your screen.

local bbox = entity:get_bbox()
if bbox ~= nil then
    renderer.rect(,,, bbox.bottom),, 255, 255, 255))

get_player_hitbox_pos(hitbox_num): vec3_t

Type Name Description
number hitbox_num Hitbox number

Returns the hitbox pos

local headpos = entity:get_player_hitbox_pos(0)

get_index(): number

Returns the entity index

local index = entity:get_index()

get_prop_bool(offset): bool

Type Name Description
number offset Prop offset

Returns the boolean value by offset

get_prop_int(offset): number

Type Name Description
number offset Prop offset

Returns the integer value by offset

get_prop_float(offset): number

Type Name Description
number offset Prop offset

Returns the float value by offset

get_prop_short(offset): number

Type Name Description
number offset Prop offset

Returns the short value by offset

get_prop_double(offset): number

Type Name Description
number offset Prop offset

Returns the double value by offset

get_prop_vector(offset): vec3_t

Type Name Description
number offset Prop offset

Returns the vector by offset

get_prop_angle(offset): angle_t

Type Name Description
number offset Prop offset

Returns the angle by offset

set_prop_bool(offset, value)

Type Name Description
number offset Prop offset
bool value Value

Setting the boolean value by offset

set_prop_int(offset, value)

Type Name Description
number offset Prop offset
number value Value

Setting the integer value by offset

set_prop_float(offset, value)

Type Name Description
number offset Prop offset
number value Value

Setting the float value by offset

set_prop_short(offset, value)

Type Name Description
number offset Prop offset
number value Value

Setting the short value by offset

set_prop_double(offset, value)

Type Name Description
number offset Prop offset
number value Value

Setting the double value by offset

set_prop_vector(offset, value)

Type Name Description
number offset Prop offset
vec3_t value Value

Setting the vector by offset

set_prop_angle(offset, value)

Type Name Description
number offset Prop offset
angle_t value Value

Setting the angle by offset